分类: 欧美综艺 地区: 美国 年份: 2013 导演:未知 主演: 未知 状态:已完结 相关: 目擊最前線欧美综艺剧情介绍电视猫 目擊最前線一共多少集完结 目擊最前線英语 目擊最前線欧美综艺前面的欧美综艺叫什么 目擊最前線一共多少集 目擊最前線欧美综艺多少集 目擊最前線作文800字 目擊最前線韩剧每天更新几集 目擊最前線欧美综艺在线观看 目擊最前線的大结局
Docu-drama exploring well-known conflicts from the perspective of the soldiers involved.
Episode Guide
Season 1 Episode 6:
Screaming Eagles in Afghanistan
How the 101st Airborne Division, also known as the Screaming Eagles, faced the Taliban in Afghanistan during Operation Dragon Strike in 2010
Season 1 Episode 5:
Beheading the Taliban
How American soldiers faced an intense battle in September 2006 against nearly 1,000 Taliban fighters in Afghanistan
Season 1 Episode 4:
Road to Baghdad
Documentary that captures the conflict from the American soldier's point of view in the 21-day bloody battle for Baghdad
Season 1 Episode 3:
Tet Offensive
Docu-drama examining the Tet Offensive of 1968, during which an elite band of US Special Operations troops was called in to rescue civilians trapped in the border town of Chau Doc
Season 1 Episode 2:
Docu-drama recalling Operation Phantom Fury in 2004, launched by the US and its allies to counter extremists in Fallujah, one of Iraq's most volatile cities
Season 1 Episode 1:
Search & Destroy
Docu-drama exploring well-known conflicts from the perspective of the soldiers involved. In the first edition, troops of the US 4th Infantry Division run into a massive force of Vietnamese soldiers on the Cambodian border in 1967